VVU-SESH-35 (27,5)

VVU-SESH-35 (27,5)

The circuit-breakers are designed to operate in switchgears of the above voltage classes in the traction power supply system, as well as in three-phase current switchgears. The application field of the circuit-breakers can be, depending on the functional purpose, traction and (or) transformer substations, sectioning points, parallel connection points, points of preparation for the journey of passenger cars and autotransformer points. 

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VVU-SESH-35 (27,5) - фото 1
General description
Technical information


  • Spring-motor or electromagnetic drive.
  • Switching control without operating current.
  • High switching capacity.
  • Configurable solution upon the customer’s request.

Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage, kV
Rated current, A
1 000; 1 600
Rated breaking current, kA
20, 25
Mechanical durability On/Off cycles
up to 25 000

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Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage, kV
Rated current, A
1 000; 1 600
Rated breaking current, kA
20, 25
Mechanical durability On/Off cycles
up to 25 000

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