TLS(Z)-SESH 25 - 100 kVA 6, 10 kV

TLS(Z)-SESH 25 - 100 kVA 6, 10 kV

Transformers power dry three-phase with cast insulation TLS(3)-SESH on a voltage class 10 kV. Transformers are designed to work indoors in temperate climates.

TLS(3)-SESH 10 kV are manufactured both in open design with the degree of protection IP00 and in the protected version (protective cover) with the degree of protection IP21, 31.

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TLS(Z)-SESH 25 - 100 kVA 6, 10 kV - фото 1 TLS(Z)-SESH 25 - 100 kVA 6, 10 kV - фото 2
General description
Technical information


  • Care for the environment. The lack of oil in the transformer as the main contaminant leakage.
  • High level of fire safety. The transformer windings are not flammable.
  • The operating costs have been reduced, since periodic inspection and replacement of the dielectric liquid is no longer necessary.
  • Reduced no-load losses and short circuit protection relative to other producers in the standard version.
  • High dynamic resistance because the coil is not exposed to moisture and pollution.

Technical Characteristics

Name Power, kVA
Voltage HV/LV, kV Connection diagram
Idling losses, W
Short-circuit losses, W
Short circuit voltage, %
25 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
140 470 3.2
40 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
180 700
63 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
250 900 4
100 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
250 1550 6

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Technical Characteristics

Name Power, kVA
Voltage HV/LV, kV Connection diagram
Idling losses, W
Short-circuit losses, W
Short circuit voltage, %
25 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
140 470 3.2
40 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
180 700
63 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
250 900 4
100 6; 6.3; 10; 10.5 / 0.4
Y/Yн-0; Δ/Yн-11
250 1550 6

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