Cookie Policy


The website uses its own technical and marketing cookies, as well as those of its partners (third-party service providers), to provide you with certain features for browsing and using the website pages. Some of these cookies allow you to check the quality of the site and improve its performance in order to make it more convenient for you.

Most Internet browsers are set up to accept cookies automatically. However, you can change the settings of your browser to disable or limit the use of cookies, to receive notifications of their use. If you use different devices (tablet, smartphone, computer, etc.), make sure that on each device your browser is configured to accept cookies. Please refer to your browser's instructions to make the necessary adjustments.

Warning. By continuing to browse our pages, you are accepting the terms of our Cookie Policy and you also agree to the transfer of the cookie data we collect about you to third parties and your receipt of marketing materials.

If you do not accept the terms of our Policy, you may choose to block cookies (all or some of them) by selecting the appropriate option on your browser, or stop browsing through our site.

However, blocking all cookies (including important cookies) may prevent access to our site or its individual features or sections.

A cookie is a small file generated by a website and stored locally on your computer or mobile device's Internet browser or file system.

More information about the specific types of cookies we use for specific purposes can be found below.

Session cookies

These are only stored in the browser for as long as you are logged in, i.e. before you leave the site.

Functional cookies

Allow the website to remember all of your choices associated with it (e.g., text resizing, customization pages). They also allow you to be "recognized" each time you visit the site and personalize your browsing experience.

Cookies - information collectors

Retrieves and stores information about your use of the website, such as which web pages you have visited, and whether there are any error messages. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. The information collected is accumulated in such a way as to ensure its anonymity. "Information collectors" are used to improve the website.

Cookies used for analytics/assessment of site usage/testing purposes

They allow us to identify and count the number of visitors and track their movement around our site. This information allows us to optimize our site, for example, by helping users find what they are looking for more quickly, and by identifying the most popular sections. By testing different versions of the features and options on our site, we make it easier to use.

To learn how our partners use cookies, check out their privacy policies (links below). We also provide links to opt out of their services (if you don't think you need them).

We use services such as Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics to help us analyze visitor activity and improve our website. These services receive data on an anonymous basis and do not collect information about the identity of the visitor to the site, do not identify him as a person (do not establish identity).

The information obtained can be used by us as the site owner along with third-party organizations - our partners to improve the site and its sections.


These technologies allow us to measure the effectiveness of the advertising we place through Yandex. Yandex Privacy Policy


Yandex.Metrika API terms of service:


These cookies allow us to measure the effectiveness of the ads we place using Google.
How Google uses cookies in advertising
Google Privacy Policy

Google Analytics

It allows us to evaluate the use of our website and services and produce the specific reports we need.
Refuse to use the Google Analytics cookie
You can block Google Analytics by going to:

I agree to the use of cookies by the site owner in accordance with the «Cookies policy» including the transfer of the data specified by the policy to third parties, web analytics services.
I agree
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