Наши менеджеры свяжутся с вами для дальнейшего обсуждения вариантов сотрудничества по поводу выбранных вами продуктов.
Electroshield Samara
Dear colleagues and partners, every company has to constantly adapt to be in step with market development.
This is especially true for Electroshield Samara, a company that is focused to projects to do with, and is leading in supplying low, mid and high voltage equipment and solutions in an everchanging market. The stable rate of return of our business goes together with mobility, flexibility, and competitiveness – our drivers to creating a supply chain and providing a competitive superiority of Electroshield Samara.
Because of this we adjust our company, advance out processes, analyze the portfolios of our suppliers, and seek out partners with which we can develop our business openly and justly. Each of us plays a key role in securing the future of Electroshield Samara.
Let us work together towards great achievements.
Phone: +7 (846) 215-17-28 / +7 (846) 277-74-44 E-mail: info@electroshield.ru
Please send your requests during office hours 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Moscow time)