Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 35/6(10)

Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 35/6 kV has proven itself and is widely used by oil companies. It is designed for power supply of well pad. On the 35 kV side there are KRU-SESH-70 cubicles in a modular building, the 6 kV side is provided by KRU-SESH-70 cubicles in a modular building. TMN-SESH is used as power transformer.

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Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 35/6(10) - фото 1
General description
Technical information


  • Ensuring the highest possible prefabrication of equipment.
  • Minimum installation, adjustment and commissioning time period.
  • High level of safety when servicing in any time of year.
  • Occupied space significant reduction.
  • Remote control and diagnostics of the substation.

Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage at higher side, kV
Rated voltage at lower side, kV
6, 10
Rated current at higher side, A 1 000; 1 250; 2 000; 2 500
Rated current at lower side, A
1 000; 1 250; 2 000; 2 500; 3 150; 4 000
Thermal stability current for 3s at higher side, kA 20; 25; 31.5
Thermal stability current for 3s at lower side, kA
20; 25; 31.5; 40
Power of the power transformer kVA 
2 500; 4 000; 6 300; 10 000

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Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage at higher side, kV
Rated voltage at lower side, kV
6, 10
Rated current at higher side, A 1 000; 1 250; 2 000; 2 500
Rated current at lower side, A
1 000; 1 250; 2 000; 2 500; 3 150; 4 000
Thermal stability current for 3s at higher side, kA 20; 25; 31.5
Thermal stability current for 3s at lower side, kA
20; 25; 31.5; 40
Power of the power transformer kVA 
2 500; 4 000; 6 300; 10 000

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