Complete transformer substations for indoor installation

General description
Technical information

General description

Manufacturing of LV complete transformer substations of different types is one of the main lines of activity of Electroshield Samara. KTP-SESH is completed with power transformers and high voltage circuit-breakers of own production. The company offers one and two transformer substations in a metal shell and in a block-modular version. Combination of block-modular buildings allows to create more complex construction including power distribution equipment and ventilation, heating and fire alarm systems.

Technical information

Scope of Application

Electric power supply for the objects in oil and energetic industries, agriculture, urban, settlement, industrial and other objects.

A powerful production base and qualified personnel allow Electroshield Samara to improve the existing products and produce more complex engineering solutions due to the customer requirements.

Product type


Brief description

Complete transformer substation with emergency exit Complete transformer industrial substation Complete transformer substation for own needs

Power transformer capacity, kVA

250; 400; 630; 1000; 1600; 2500; 3150

Power transformer type

Oil, dry

Numbers of transformers


Rated voltage on HV/LV side, kV

6 (10)/0,4
HV/LV bushing type КК

Climatic versial

U3; T3
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443048, Самарская область, г.о. Самара, вн. р-н Красноглинский, п. Красная Глинка, кв-л 2, зд.37, офис 221
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