Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6)

If you want to take a comprehensive approach to solving the issue of power supply of a large facility, then one of the most convenient and reasonable options for you may be modular complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6) manufactured by Electroshield Samara. For several decades of production, our company has carefully improved the design, supplemented it with the most advanced technologies and got powerful and reliable equipment. Our MCTS are ready for any tasks in the transformation and distribution of energy in power systems, transport infrastructure, oil and gas industry and other industries.

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Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6) - фото 1 Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6) - фото 2 Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6) - фото 3 Complete transformer substation KTP-SESH-B(M) 220/110/35/10(6) - фото 4
General description
Technical information


  • Experienced in reliable operation for more than 30 years.
  • Work in a wide temperature range from -60 ° to + 40 ° C.
  • High earthquake resistance: 9 points on MSK-64.
  • Complete delivery, along with equipment supplied lighting masts, portals, lightning arresters, fence.
  • The possibility of transporting blocks by any type of transport, both railway and road.
  • Substation is supplied with ready-made units, which eases and shortens the time of installation of the substation.
  • It has automatic control system.
  • Possibility to control the substation using the remote control.

Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage at higher side, kV 
110; 220
Rated voltage at secondary side, kV      
Rated voltage at lower side, kV  
10 (6)
Power of the power transformer kVA
up to 125 000
Rated current of the busbar, A
1 000; 2 000
Electrodynamic stability current, kA
26; 65; 80; 102; 128
Thermal stability current, kA
10; 25; 31,5; 40; 50

List of sets of equipment

Accessory equipment
10 kV 35 kV 110 kV 220 kV
Circuit breaker
VGT-SESH         VGT-220

NKF-110; TFZM-110  
NAMI-220; TFZM-220
Condenser units

UKL 56-6.3-450

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Technical Characteristics

Rated voltage at higher side, kV 
110; 220
Rated voltage at secondary side, kV      
Rated voltage at lower side, kV  
10 (6)
Power of the power transformer kVA
up to 125 000
Rated current of the busbar, A
1 000; 2 000
Electrodynamic stability current, kA
26; 65; 80; 102; 128
Thermal stability current, kA
10; 25; 31,5; 40; 50

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